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Submit a solution

Could your research expertise help solve a challenge?

Submit an original avenue for solution and elicit the interest of the company involved.

If your solution is retained by the company, you will be able to discuss the project in detail and lay the groundwork for future collaboration.


How to meet a challenge?

Your response to a challenge must initially allow the company to judge your expertise as it relates to its problem.

The initial purpose of your answer is to secure a meeting with the company involved.

The content of your solution’s form is not confidential since the form will be transmit to the company that submit the challenge.

To answer a challenge, you must fill the solution’s form which is divided in 3 sections:

  • Team's competencies for solving the challenge: present mainly your work experience, your areas of research and your latest results in relation to the challenge;
  • Description of the proposed solution : present the main idea of your solution without describing precisely how you plan to solve the problem (be careful with IP issues!)
  • Project management: you can specify project milestones and the estimated budget.

At that meeting, you will have the opportunity to sign confidentiality agreements and discuss the project and technological avenues considered at greater depth.

Identify challenges relating to your expertise and propose solutions!

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Contact us

Cloé Bouchard-Aubin, chimiste, MBA

Advisor, Technology and Innovation

514 632-2429

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